How to contact us . . .
Stageworks/Hudson maintains several easy ways to reach us with your inquiries, suggestions and/or information. Messages left on our phone system are usually replied to within 24 hours. Emails are often replied to within hours.
<general inquiries> <auditions> <playwrights> <box office> <email list>
Our administrative office is open during normal business hours most days. The box office window is open one hour before each performance only. Click here for more box office information.
To reach us by phone:
ADMINISTRATION: (518) 828-7843 Monday to Sunday from 9:00am to 5:00pm or leave a message.
BOX OFFICE: Email us at any time. We will get back to you as soon as possible. (Please do not leave payment information in an email message — access our secure ordering system from the home page for available shows, or call the number above.)
Surface Mail:
Our mailing address is:
PO Box 200,
Hudson, NY 12534.
All correspondence, materials, donations and purchases can go to this address. (Please note that some materials cannot be returned.)
ADMINISTRATION: (For general questions or when no other category fits.)
BOX OFFICE: (For inquiries only — Please do not email us your payment information.)
AUDITIONS: (Please attach your resume and, if available, a recent headshot)
PLAY SUBMISSION: (Attachments are okay. See below for instructions.)
Stageworks/Hudson auditions and casts on a per-show basis. If you are interested in auditioning for a performance at Stagework, please send an email to with the word "Auditions" in the subject line. Please include your resume and, if available, a recent head shot. We will contact you as needed about auditions if something seems right.
Playwrights may submit the following any time:
- A synopsis of the work
- A character breakdown
- Your resume with a way to contact you.
You can email the above to us at with the phrase "Play submission" in the subject line.
Email is preferred but you can also send materials via surface mail to:
Stageworks/Hudson, Attn: Literary, PO Box 200, Hudson, NY 12534.
NOTE: Play materials sent via surface mail will not be returned.
We will contact you about a full script as needed. Please do not send or email full scripts unless requested.
We will acknowledge receipt of your materials and contact you as needed for additional information. Follow up inquiries are not necessary.
Stageworks' surface mailing list is the best way to receive comprehensive information about our programming and upcoming events. Our email list is the best way to receive the lastest news about Stageworks in a timely way. Certain special offers and announcements can only be viewed by receiving email from us. By utilizing the feedback form below, you will automatically be added to both lists. You can also use the form for brief inquiries, suggestions or comments.
Please fill in the form below and click the 'Submit' button: